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Applet Tutorials: Solid Text Scroller
Solid Text Scroller applet

This applet displays a scrolling text, using colourful fonts. The text can jump, and wave, and you may even be able to add a mirror effect on bottom area. The coloured fonts are in AFT (AnFy FonT) format. You can create your own aft fonts using a paint program, otherwise download freely the AFT fonts collection from here:

[For more technical information about the available parameters, click here.]

Most parameters are self-explanatory and you can always see brief description of each parameter by moving the mouse pointer over the wizard.

First, decide the applet size (Width, Height) and the background colour. Then, set the applet's scroll speed, which can be either vertical or horizontal at "Speed", and the vertical positioning of the text as a length from the top at "Y Offset", and a vertical spacing in pixels at "V.Space" if available.

Note: Some parameters are available only when you select a particular scroll mode at "Mode" parameter from 4 types of scrolls. i.e., horizontal, vertical, waving, and jumping.

If your choice is waving scroll, the 4 parameters are activated shown to the left. Either vertical waving or horizontal scroll is possible defined at "Wave Mode". (Scroll type)

Once, you have selected scroll type, then you need to choose any one waving type from:

swing : long regular sine
short : much irregular sine
long : a bit irregular sine
classic : short regular sine
smooth : fast irregular sine
halfsmooth : very fast irregular sine

Then, place a number above 0 (if 0, no waving) at "wave speed" parameter. You can optionally enable reversed scroll mode.

If you want, mirrored text mode can be activated. Set the position of the mirrored text at "Height" measured from the bottom.
If your choice of waving type has been "jump", decide the amplitude and the speed of jumping.
Now, enter a text in the text field. You may want to import a text from any existing .txt file.
Finally, select your desired font (*.aft). This will automatically load the font's information and display it as you see above. To create your own .aft fonts, please read the readme.txt in the applet folder.

We have only discussed about the solidscr specific parameters. For generic parameters, please read wizard section.

Proceed to the expert menu.