Solid Scroller - Copyright (C) by Fabio Ciucci 1999 This applet displays a scrolling text, using colourful fonts. The text can jump, and wave, and you may even be able to add a mirror effect on bottom area. This effect contains the code by Eric Benhamou, used under a licence. The coloured fonts are in AFT (AnFy FonT) format. You can create your own aft fonts using a paint program, otherwise download freely the AFT fonts collection from here: *********************************************************************** NECESSARY FILES. As well as your selection font file (.aft) and its data gif image, the following 2 ".class" files must be uploaded: solidscr.class Lware.class Plus, solidscr.jar for speedy loading on recent browsers. *********************************************************************** EXAMPLE. Insert the tag in your html document as follows to add this applet to your page (Comments after the ";" symbol are code explanations and acceptable min/max values. They are not part of the applet language): ; Registration code (if you have it) ; Optional URL link when the applet is "clicked". ; Reglink opened in new frame? ; Name of new frame for reglink ; Statusbar message ; Ascii file with text ; Text effect mode ; (waving,jumping,horizontal, vertical) ; Scrolling speed ; waving mode (horizontal, vertical) ; Wave type ; (swing, short, long, classic, smooth, halfsmooth) ; Wave speed ; Reverse wave fx (yes,no) ; Jumping Amplitude ; Jumping Speed ; Y Text offset in horizontal mode ; Text Vertical Spacing ; Mirror (disabled,normal,perspective) ; Mirror height from the bottom. ; Anfy Font file to load ; Background colour in hex format ; Optional image over applet ; Over image X offset ; Over image Y offset ; Memory deallocation delay ; Task priority (1..10) ; Min. milliseconds/frame for sync Sorry, your browser doesn't support Java.; Message for no java browsers. ; End of applet tag ************************************************************************* INSTRUCTIONS. The following instructions describe how to change parameters: Attempting to change the credits parameter will disable the applet. To activate the reg parameters, please read the shareware registration notes. In the "regcode" parameter, place the registration code you purchased from the author. If the code is correct and the applet is run from the registered domain name, you can use "link" parameters to link to a URL when the applet is "clicked". If you set "regnewframe" to "YES", you can specify a specific frame location for the reglink: "_blank" : To load the link in a new blank unnamed browser window. "_self" : To load the link into the same window the applet occupies. "_parent" : To load the link into the immediate FRAMESET parent. "_top" : To load the link into the top body of the window. You can also set a custom frame name, such as "myframe1". With the "overimg" parameter you can specify the name of an image that will be painted over the applet. The best options are transparent GIF images. NOTE: Animated GIF images are supported, but will be animated only on latest browsers (Netscape 4 and Explorer 4 or newer). With "overimgX" and "overimgY" you can center the image over the applet area. The size of the applet is determined by width and height tags. The "textscroll" parameter specifies an ascii text file which will be displayed. Note: only characters present in the AFT font will be displayed. If the AFT font does not contain numbers, or special characters, those will be simply ignored. With "texttype", you can specify the text effect mode: horizontal : One line of text will scroll horizontally vertical : Multiple lines of text will scroll vertically waving : One line of text will scroll waving jumping : One line of text will scroll jumping With "speed" you specify the scrolling speed. If texttype=waving, you can set "wavemode" to "horizontal" or "vertical", and "wavetype" to one of the following: swing : long regular sinus short : much irregular sinus long : a bit irregular sinus classic : short regular sinus smooth : fast irregular sinus halfsmooth : very fast irregular sinus The waving speed is determined by "wavespeed". 0 = frozen wave. The waving effect can be reversed, placing "yes" to the "reversefx" parameter. If texttype=jumping, you can set "TextJumpAmp" to control the jumping amplitude, and "TextJumpSpd" to control the Jumping speed. If texttype=horizontal, you can set the Y Text offset with "textoffset". If texttype=vertical, you can set Vertical Spacing with "textvspace". With "mirrormode" you determine the mirror status. With "disabled" the mirror is disabled, with "normal" it is reflecting line by line, with "perspective" it reflects in a perspective-like way. The mirror starts from bottom, up to the height you want, entering the desired one in the "mirrorheight" parameter. The background colour is determined by the "bgcolor" parameter, entering the value in hex RRGGBB, like html format, but without the prefix "#". The .aft font file must be specified in the "fontindex" parameter. *********************************************************************** THE AFT FORMAT SPECIFICATIONS If you are interested in creating new fonts for your personal use, or to add those to the freely usable AFT fonts collection, you should know how the AFT format works. An AFT font comprises 2 files, with a single prefix + different suffixes, for example: myfont.aft myfont.gif The .aft file is an ascii text file, editable by hand, and the gif file is an image file editable with any paint program. Both files must have the same prefex, and the suffixes should be in lowercase. Here an example of .aft: myfont 32 23 0 !#%%%%'()%%,-./0123456789:;%=%?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ% This is a comment... hello... The 1st line contains the name of the gif file, without .gif suffix. The 2nd line contains the font width. The 3rd line contains the font height. The 4th line contains the Y spacing between characters. The 5th line contains the characters index (its order in GIF image) For example, if a font is painted as: ABCDE FGHIJ KLMNO The fontindex will be: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO But, if a font is painted as: AEIMQUY BFJNRVZ CGKOSW! DHLPTX# The fontindex will be: AEIMQUYBFJNRVZCGKOSW!DHLPTX# Note: the background of the gif image must be black (000000 in hex), and the black must be present only in the background, otherwise the background colour changes a function in the scroller applet and this will cause problems.