Anfy 1.4
  Quick start
  Registration FAQ
  Online store
  Math visualisation
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  3D animation
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  General FAQ
  How to use FTP?
  How to add applet?
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This site is Anfy enhanced!


Online shop
Online Shop

Before entering the online store, make sure you have done enough evaluation on the program. Anfy and Anfy 3D are both shareware products and they can be freely used for unlimited period. Although we would be very encouraged if you purchase the license to be our official customer, once you received the regcodes, you are never allowed to return them. There is no other way to protect our products.

We use a Netscape secure server and your credit card information is transferred only to our credit card processing company using PGP encoding, which is the securest method available today.

One important point is that we apply unique discount to Anfy (not Anfy 3D) and we present a different number of licenses as different products. For example, on the store, 1 license for Anfy and 2 licenses for Anfy are presented separately. This means that although you can actually buy 2 * "1 license for Anfy", this could be more expensive than buying only one "2 licenses for Anfy". So, please be very careful to place an order.

Now enter the online store.