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Applet Tutorials: Wizard
This tutorial will show you how to use the Anfy wizard with many examples. If you would like to start making Anfy objects quickly, read the quick start guide.
0. Preparation.

Before starting the program, you first have to unpack the archive and install the program. To do this, you are only required to click the Setup.exe in the Anfy folder. By default, the installation wizard lets you install the program into "c:\Program Files\Anfy Team\Anfy" folder. Change the destination folder if necessary, and finish the installation. Now you have added the shortcut to Start menu and are ready to use the program!

1. Brief note for the basic procedure

I have described the fundamental procedure of creating Anfy objects in the quick start section, and I will not repeat the same content again. So, let me summarise the procedure very briefly.

(1). Applet selection menu.

The wizard provides you 5 or 6 sessions for each applet. First you choose a desired category and next an applet within it. When this has done, go to the next session by clicking "next".

(2) Applet parameter menu.

Set all the parameters, except some optional ones. Then click "next" .

(3) Textscroll menu.

This session only appears when you selected "Enable textscroll" parameter in the previous session. Otherwise, the wizard skips this session. When you have finish this session, click "next" to proceed.

(4) Expert menu.

You can optimise applet speed now. General browser statusbar message and foreground image can be set during this session. However, if you are editing a menu applet, statusbar message parameter here may be ignored.

(5) Regcode menu.

Only registered users enter the regcodes for their sites. Non-registered users must skip this session.

(6) HTML output menu.

You will output what you have edited by now. Specify the output HTML document and its folder, or copy the HTML code and use it with your favourite HTML editor.

2. Applet selection menu.
Anfy 1.4 comes with 40 applets. For your ease, these are categorised into 5 as follows:
Banner/Slideshow bookflip, cfade, mosaic
Fractal/A-Life flozoids, ifsfract, life2D, mandel
Image effects anfysnow, bump, deform, fireworks, huerot, lake, lens, rot, warp, water, wobbler
3D Applets anfy3D light, fluid, galaxy, tmapcube, tunnel, tunnel 3D, voxel, wormhole
Navigational menu cubemenu, morphmenu, treemenu, wheelmenu
Others anfycam, anfypaint, blobs, blur, fire, flag, flagload, plasma, solidscroller, textscroller
The left is the actual copy of the applet selection menu. While applet names tell you a little about them, you can always preview the selected applet with the default browser.
Or, "preview all"lets you preview all the applets.
3. Applet parameter menu.
For each applet, this session displays a different menu. Even so, some parameters such as "applet size", "resolution", "enable textscroll" appear again and again.

Please consult each applet's tutorial for more information. Suppose that you select "enable textscrtoll" during this session, then, textscroll menu appear next.

4. Textscroll menu
Textscroll menu includes several parameters and some of them only work when you choose a particular scroll type.

For example, "V.Space"parameter is locked when you select "horizontal" scroll. On the contrary, if you select "vertical" scroll, "Y Offset" parameter is locked, while you can define "V.Space" parameter.

Although this sounds complicated, in actuality, you should only select what are selectable in the wizard.

In the following discussion, suppose that all parameters are selectable, although that would never be true in actual situation.

First, choose a scroll type of text and type your desired text in the text field. There are four scroll types:

horizontal, vertical, zooming, and invzooming. You can also import text data from existing documents.

By clicking "Text from file..."button, file selection window will open, and ask you to choose a text file for import. Remember, it must be an ASCII file.

Next, decides the precise animation by setting these three parameters seen left. "V.Space" stands for "vertical spacing"of text lines.

This will not work unless you select "vertical" scroll. "Speed" parameter defines how fast the text scrolls or sometimes zooms and works finely in all scroll types.

The value for "Y Offset" is the vertical position of the text. This is measured from the top.

Next motion related parameter is a set of sine curve parameters. These are meaningful only if you select "horizontal" scroll.

With these parameters set, you can produce a waving line of text which scrolls from right to left. "Amplitude" is the amplitude of the wave. Well, it decides high wave or low wave.

"Angle" may be a misleading name. It defines a cycle of a waving. When the value for "Angle" is low, the distance between wavings is wide. If it is higher, the distance will be narrower. Finally, "Speed" here represent the speed of waving.

Another motion related parameter is a set of "Jump" parameters. They are enabled only when you select "horizontal" scroll.

Plus, jumping movement is exclusive to sine movement. If you select both, sine movement would function and jump movement be ignored.

Here, "Amplitude" decides how high the text line jumps and "Speed" decides its timing.

Next, we will discuss about the parameters which define how the text looks.
You now choose a font, size, colour and shape of the font.

By default, you select one font from Courier, Helvetica, Dialog, Times Roman. These are standard fonts and even if you want to type in non-Latin letters, such as Japanese, Greek and Hebrew, these four fonts can be used.

This is achieved by automatically, so you don't really have to set non standard fonts in any circumstances, however, by unchecking "standard" box, you are allowed to select one from all the available system fonts.


Using non-standard fonts causes unexpected results in other people's systems. When you do thits, you must be aware of what you are doing.

Only when you select "zooming" or "invzooming" scroll, "Min. size" and "Max. size" of the font are selectable.

With these two parameters, you can configure how your text zooms in and out. Plus, normal text "Size" parameter would be ignored, when you select "zooming" or "invzooming".

Another font related parameter is "shadow" parameter. This literally decides the shadow of the font. If you do not need shadowed letters, leave this unselected.



5. Expert menu.
Next session is Expert menu. This includes applet speed control, browser statusbar message, non Java™ enabled browser message and optional foreground image selection.
With these three parameters on the left, you can configure how applets affect on CPU and memory consumption.

There are three pre-set values for them, i.e.:

Standard settings, Optimise for compatibility, and Optimise for speed.

By selecting one of them, you can avoid manual editing of the parameters. Let me present you a diagram which shows the relationship between values of these parameters and actual running speed of applets, and CPU intensiveness.

CPU intensiveness
Memory delay
Task priority

It is important to select less CPU intensive values all the time, so that visitors on your site would not be sick! :)

Type in browser statusbar message above column and non Java™ enabled browser message below.
When you mouseover the applet, the statusbarmessage set here will be displayed. Needless to say, non Java™ enabled browser cannot display applets. Instead, the message set here will be shown.

Next, if you need an image layered over the applet, select "Enable overlay image" and specify an image file.

Then, position it by filling X offset and Y offset parameters. Both are measured from the top left corner.

6. Regcode menu.
Now, you are in the regcode menu. This applies only to registered users. Unregistered users should skip this session.

First, type in your domain in the Select domain/new domain field, and click "Add". This will record your domain in your HD. Next, while selecting the domain, write the respective regcode below., And click "Add".

If you own multiple domains, repeat this procedure. Of course, you can always remove wrong domains or regcodes.

After you add the regcode, link parameters are enabled.

If you would like the applet to be linked to a certain url, select "Enable link" and enter the link url below space.

You can also specify a target frame in which the linked page will be displayed.

Just select " new target frame" and choose the mode from _blank, self, _parent, top, and other target. If your choice is other target, you have to specify the target frame name by yourself.

7. HTML output menu.
Here is the final menu. By now, you have already built the Anfy object.
All you have done is reflected on the HTML code here, which you need to copy & paste to your desired HTML document with respective .class files. This can be done very simply.

Click "Copy all files to..." button and specify a destination file name, say, home.html to which the HTML code will be output and the necessary .class files will be copied to the same folder.

Or, you can copy the code and use it with your preferred HTML editor. In this case, never forget to copy the necessary .class files and images!


In the 1.4 release, we have added a new feature, namely Active Desktop support. By pressing "Set as active desktop item", you can see Anfy applets locally on your desktop. This works as a screensaver, but could be rather CPU intensive.


Though it isn't obliged, you are greatly encouraged to use our Anfy banner provided in the archive and link to our site ( This adds your web site to the growing Anfy community!

For more information, please consult the documents for each applet.