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Anfy Applets: Overview

Anfy 1.4 comes with 40 applets alone or with the Win32 wizard. We recommend that Windows users should download the complete archive and non-Windows users do the applet only archive.

Our target readers of this manual are Windows users who can run Anfy wizard (Anfy.exe). Non-Windows users should be able to find the necessary documents about applet parameters in each applet folder.

How to use this manual

By "manual", we refer to the whole "Applets" chapter. This chapter is divided into seven parts. Except "Overview", which you are currently reading, each part depicts how you should operate the wizard to produce a particular effect. Here, you see simple descriptions of each category:

Wizard: general usage of the wizard
Banner/Slides: banner category
Math Visualisation: fractal & A-Life category
Image effects: general 2D animation category
3D animation: 3D effects category
Menu applets: menu category.
Others: Miscellaneous applets.


"Wizard" section has a description of the common feature that most 40 applets have. So, you are strongly suggested to start with this section and later to move on to the rest of 6 sections. Each of the five sections somewhat represents main characteristics of applets which belong to a particular category. For instance, "3D animation" includes 8 different 3D animation applets, and "Menu applets" possesses 4 menu applets. So, you can browse every category and find the applet name which you would like to use.

Again, first you need to understand how the wizard works here. Or, if you love to start using the wizard anyway, just look through the quick start page. This will reduce the great amount of time! Then come back to each applet's manual when you face problems.

