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Applet Tutorials: Flozoids
Flozoids Applet

This applet visualises a famous A-Life algorithm called "flozoids", which are moving particles all over the applet area.

[For more technical information about the available parameters, click here.]

Most parameters are self-explanatory and you can always see brief description of each parameter by moving the mouse pointer over the wizard.

First of all, define the applet size in "Width" and "Height" boxes on top of the left image. Next, choose a background colour or background image.

Then decide whether to enable textscroll over the applet image or not. If you check "Enable textscroll" box, textscroll menu will appear after you finish this applet specific menu.

Read the wizard tutorial for more information about the basic procedure.

There is an interesting feature, "Interactive mode". If you enable this feature, you can control the movement of flozoids by mouse pointer.

You now define flozoids parameters. Fist set the number of flozoid particles and the maximum distance between flozoids at "Number" and "Distance" boxes respectively. Then, define how fluently flozoids converge to the centre of the applet area with "To centre".
Next, determine the values for acceleration and maximum velocity of flozoids at "Acceleration" and "Speed" boxes. Another parameter, "Side bouncing" decides how powerfully flozoids collide with the applet edges and bounce back from them.

Now, you determine style of flozoids. There are two types of them: flozoids with or without heads. Check "heads" box, if you would like flozoids with heads.

Then select the gradient colour painted over the whole flozoids at "First colour" and "Last colour".

The final parameter is "Go over text". If you would like to see scrolling text over flozoids, do not check this box; otherwise you will see flozoids moving around even over the text by checking this box.

We have only discussed about the flozoids specific parameters. For generic parameters, please read wizard section.

Proceed to the textscroll menu if you have checked the textscroll box; otherwise go to the expert menu.