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Applet Tutorials: Wobbler
Wobbler applet

The name of this applet indicates nothing descriptive, but it in fact offers a wide variety of water-like animation effects, from Akiraesque psychic space to breathing metal surface.

This applets uses a unique optimisation and the applet size must be a multiple of 8 pixel at both width and height, whereas any sized images can be loaded.

[For more technical information about the available parameters, click here.]

Most parameters are self-explanatory and you can always see brief description of each parameter by moving the mouse pointer over the wizard.

First, select an image you want to animate and decides the applet size at "Width" and "Height". You can also set a resolution value at "Resolution". "Resolution" is a zooming parameter.

For instance, the value 2 gives twice as large an applet size as the internally calculated image size, while the value 1 changes nothing.

This applets has another value to control the effect quality. It's called "Precision". You can choose either high or low for this value.

You can enable a textscroll effect by checking "Enable textscroll".

This applet is one of the most complex one and you need to configure many parameters.

For your ease, we provide some useful pre-set effects. Check this out by selecting any one of the above, ie., wobbler, sphere, waves, breath, stars, and metal effects.

With Move X and Y, you can define the velocity of the loaded image, which can slide both vertically and horizontally.

Next, "Radius" parameter defines the radius in pixel of the circle drawn on the image. You can set the speed of zooming effect at "Zoom speed", for which the value takes anyone between 0.0 and 50.0. "Wave strength" decides how strong the waving occurs. This makes the looks very different. A higher value for this will completely distort the original image, while a smaller value likely maintain it.

Here, you configure the camera, or the position of the observer of the effect. First, "initial" parameter decides the initial position of the camera, while "Min" and "Max" represent the minimum and maximum position (length from the surface) of it.

"Zoom speed" mentioned before is in fact the speed of the camera.

Next, you can set how fast the image is deformed at "Start" and "Move". The former is the initial deformation factor and the latter is the speed of the deformation.

There are extra four speed parameters which control rather distinctive changes, but it's hard to explain which defines which. This is due to the complexity of the calculation involved.
I strongly recommend you to observe and experiment the behaviour of the applet by choosing pre-set values. They may tell you how these speed factors affect the final animation.

We have only discussed about the wobbler specific parameters. For generic parameters, please read wizard section.

Proceed to the textscroll menu if you have checked the textscroll box; otherwise go to the expert menu.