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Applet Tutorials: Wheel menu
Wheel menu applet

This applet provides one of the most strange menu around. Well, it's a joke to actually add this menu to your web page, however, it's still fun to play with it!

[For more technical information about the available parameters, click here.]

Most parameters are self-explanatory and you can always see brief description of each parameter by moving the mouse pointer over the wizard.

Before start editing the menu, you should plan the structure of the menu for your site carefully. Creating the site structure on Anfy wizard is simple. Add and remove items with item names and associated URL and text.
Optionally you can specify a frame in which a link is opened. To do this, check the "URL target frame box" and select the target from "mode" menu.

You can also add your original frame name at "Target frame" after choosing "other target" at "mode". Urls can be email addresses or file names as usual.

One thing you have to make sure is that you always add at least one "back" item to each node. Without this users can't go to upper trees. After add an item, check "back" box and you have got one back item enabled, which is shown with a left arrow sign.

Whenever you make changes to the menu tree, you need to click "Apply change" button, unless you have checked "Auto apply" box.

Next, decide the applet size, filter and font. Filters consist of smoothing filter and colorise filter and choose one of them or disable the filter. As for fonts, we provide two types of unique 3D fonts. Then, decide if you want the menu texts to be extruded by checking "Flat" box. If you would like the menu to appear in a small new window, check "Float mode" box.

Next, set status bar y position, which designates length from the top of the applet in pixel.

"Submenu speed" stands for the speed of submenu appearance. A higher value (up to 100) results in faster move.

The background of the applet can be filled with either mono colour, normal image, or blurred image by selecting one of them at "Back mode". You need to proceed the respective setting then.
You can control the "Up/Down" and "Left/Righ" mouse sensitivity with the boxes shown left. Higher values mean more sensitive.
Now you move on to wheel setting. We have provided two modes to render wheels. You can choose either Gouraud shaded wheels or texture mapped wheels. Each choice enables or disables some parameters, so I will describe two cases separately.
Texture mapped wheels

Check "Texture" at "Mode" boxes and specify the texture image, which must be 256*256 pixels in size.. Then set two types of text effects, "Extrude diff." and "Text diff." The former controls the darkness of unselected texts and the latter does the darkness of the extruded parts of texts.

Gouraud shaded wheels
Checking "Gouraud" activates Gouraud shading mode, which requires "Wheel colour", "Text colour" and "Selected colour" settings for proper function.
Floating menu mode
If you have selected floating menu mode, a new configurator appears when you click "Next" button. (See below.) When you activate this mode, the applet size itself can be as small as 1 pixel, but MUST NOT be zero so as to embed the applet to your HTML document.
Set the floating window size (Width, Height) and give the initial position when a window first appears. You can set the name of the window. If you would like to see the menu window always appear on top of other windows, check "Always on top box", otherwise leave it unchecked.

We have only discussed about the wheel menu specific parameters. For generic parameters, please read wizard section.

Proceed to the expert menu.