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Applet Tutorials: Voxel land map
Voxel applet

This applet visualises a lightened voxel landscape in real time animation.

[For more technical information about the available parameters, click here.]

Most parameters are self-explanatory and you can always see brief description of each parameter by moving the mouse pointer over the wizard.

First of all, define the applet size and its resolution "Width", "Height", and "Resolution". Resolution works as a stretcher value for the internally calculated image. If you want high quality result, set this to one.

Next, select a desirable colour pallets from the list. In fact, 27 pallets are available.

Then you decide if textscroll function is enabled by checking "Enable textscroll" box.

Here, you set an optional land map texture for the ground. The applet reads height data from this map. This image has to be 256*256 pixels in size and grayscale in colour. Darker parts result in lower altitudes.

With "shadow" parameter, you can control shadow effect in the scene. Smaller values for this mean weaker shadow effects. You can also configure the roughness of the ground at "Roughness" parameter. Higher values for this result in higher difference between the top of mountains and the bottom of valleys.

Finally, "Horizon value" controls the vertical positioning of the horizon. If you set this high, the horizon appears at a rather high position of the scene and the surface of the animated ground is quite large. So, this brings a slow effect.

We have only discussed about the voxel specific parameters. For generic parameters, please read wizard section.

Proceed to the textscroll menu if you have checked the textscroll box; otherwise go to the expert menu.