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Applet Tutorials: Tunnel 2
Tunnel applet 2

This applet visualises two types of animated tunnels, cylindrical or parallel, in realtime. A cylindrical tunnel can have as many bends as you want and produce rather interesting effect. A parallel tunnel on the other hand somewhat reminds me of the mysterious scene of "2001: a space odyssey". It produces sonic-moving two parallel planes. It's a great visual effect!

[For more technical information about the available parameters, click here.]

Most parameters are self-explanatory and you can always see brief description of each parameter by moving the mouse pointer over the wizard.

First, decide the applet size and the resolution, which enlarges the internally calculated image and works as a zooming factor. Set it at 1, if you want the best result.

Second, set an image for texture mapping of the tunnel surface.

Then you decide if textscroll function is enabled by checking "Enable textscroll" box.

You can also check "Interactive mode" box, if you would like the light source controlled by the mouse pointer.

Now you set a camera position at "Observer"(x, y, z).

Light is defined by the "Max" and "Min" intensity and the descending rate "Dec.".

Two more options concerning light effect. The first one is the shading enabler. With this parameter enabled, the vanishing point and its surrounding area are darkened, and produce realistic looking of a tunnel.

The second option is "Reverse light". This inverts the shading. So, if you don't enable shading effect, this parameter changes nothing.

Next, you set the "Radius" of the tunnel. This in fact changes the size of the vanishing area, regardless your choice of tunnels is cylindrical or parallel.

With "Square" parameter checked, the tunnel becomes parallel, whereas the default tunnel is cylindrical.

You can control rotation speed and advancing speed too.

Finally, bends controls. These values have no effect if your choice of tunnel is parallel one. Set the number of bends, minimum and maximum size of bends and bends size increment at "Num", "Size min.", "Size max." and "Size inc." respectively.
The bends increment value together with "Offset" and "Offset increment" values control the movement of the tunnel. You can produce breathing effect by proper setting.

We have only discussed about the tunnel 2 specific parameters. For generic parameters, please read wizard section.

Proceed to the textscroll menu if you have checked the textscroll box; otherwise go to the expert menu.