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Applet Tutorials: Texture mapped cube
Texture mapped cube applet

This applet animates a cube texture mapped with your selection of images. Although at most you can apply 6 different images to 6 faces of the cube, only 3 images, each of which is mapped on two faces of the cube, work well. This reduces the total download size in half apart from .class and .html files.

A similar version of this applet with enhanced link functions can be found at the menu applets category.

[For more technical information about the available parameters, click here.]

Most parameters are self-explanatory and you can always see brief description of each parameter by moving the mouse pointer over the wizard.

Set your choice of images for each face of the cube. The number of images can be anything up to 6, but I recommend you 3 or 6.

You can even set only 1 image for all faces, but the result won't be breathtaking.

All images must be gif or jpeg formatted and the image size must be 126*126 or 256*256. No other sizes are allowed. In addition, you can't mix these two different sizes of images. If you choose a 126*126 image for a face, the rest of the faces must be associated with 126*126 images in size. The same goes to 256*256 pixel images.

Next, decide the applet size and the resolution, which enlarges the internally calculated image and works as a zooming factor. Set it at 1, if you want the best result.

Then, you set either background colour or background image. They are exclusively applied. If you set background image, background colour will be dismissed.

You can also check "Interactive mode" box, if you would like the light source controlled by the mouse pointer.

Then you decide if textscroll function is enabled by checking "Enable textscroll" box.

An important parameter called "Clear background" should always be enabled. Without this function, you can't see a cube as cube should be. The area within a cube rotates is painted as the motion continues and looks awful! So, don't forget to check this parameter.

You can change rotation velocity by setting the (x, y, z) elements of it.

The light intensity of a spot light can be set too; the allowed rage is between 1 and 100.

You can also control ambient light source at "Min" and "Max" parameters. These two values decide the shading of the faces.

We have only discussed about the tcube specific parameters. For generic parameters, please read wizard section.

Proceed to the textscroll menu if you have checked the textscroll box; otherwise go to the expert menu.