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Applet Tutorials: Mosaic
Mosaic Applet

This applet displays series of images with mosaic transition at a desired speed. Each image can be assigned a unique URL so that you can use this applet as a menu.

[For more technical information about the available parameters, click here.]

First of all, most parameters are self-explanatory and you can always see brief description of each parameter by moving the mouse pointer over the wizard.

Here, you need to specify images to be shown. By clicking "Add" button, open file window, and you select desired image file as many times as you need.
You can change the order of displaying images by "Moving up" or "Moving down" image file names.
While selecting a image file name, you can specify a URL and a statusbar message.

Once you have added slideshow images, you now need to set tile transition parameters.

"Width" and "Height" on the left picture represent the width and the height of each tile, and NOT those of the applet area.

Loaded images are cut down into pieces (tiles) during the course of image transitions.

During the transitions, tiles rotate at the speed specified by "Step", which takes a value between 8 and 32.

With "Back colour", you can specify the applet background colour.

Or, alternatively, you can define a background image. Check "Background image" box and enter the image file name in the space below.
Finally, here is the "Resolution" parameter and the applet size. Resolution parameter decides how bigger the actual image is displayed.
For example, the value 3 gives three times as big image size as the actual image has. So, it works as a zooming parameter. Do not set too high value, unless you love terrible picture!

We have only discussed about the mosaic specific parameters. For generic parameters, please read wizard section.

Now go to expert menu and proceed your applet configuration.