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Applet Tutorials: Morph menu
Morph menu applet

This applet provides a simple menu function with 4 choices of background effects, that is: simple colour, image, blob animation or galaxy animation.

[For more technical information about the available parameters, click here.]

Most parameters are self-explanatory and you can always see brief description of each parameter by moving the mouse pointer over the wizard.

Before start editing the menu, you should plan the structure of the menu for your site carefully. Creating the site structure on Anfy wizard is simple. Add and remove items with item names and associated URL and text.

Since the ver 1.4, the tree items can be named with non-English fonts. To achieve this, you need to select your desired character set at the "character set" parameter box.

In the example shown left, Japanese (Shift-JIS) is selected. Then, appropriate code will be added in the final document within a <meta> tag.

We currently provide the following list of character sets, but if you manually edit <meta> tag, you should be able to use others too.

Arabic (ISO) iso-8859-6
Arabic (Windows) windows-1256
Baltic (ISO) iso-8859-4
Baltic (Windows) windows-1257
Chinese (Traditional) big5
Chinese (Simplified) gb2312
Chinese (Simplified HZ) hz-gb-2312
Cyrillic (ISO) iso-8859-5
Cyrillic (Windows) windows-1251
European (Central, ISO) iso-8859-2
European (Central, Windows) windows-1250
European (Western, ISO) <-- default iso-8859-1
Greek (ISO) iso-8859-7
Greek (Windows) windows-1253
Hebrew (ISO) iso-8859-8
Hebrew (Windows) windows-1255
Japanese (Shift-JIS) x-sjis
Japanese (JIS) iso-2022-jp
Japanese (EUC) x-euc-jp
Korean (ISO) iso-2022-kr
Korean (euc-kr) euc-kr
Latin 3 (ISO) iso-8859-3
Thai (ISO) iso-8859-11
Thai (Windows) windows-874
Turkish (ISO) iso-8859-9
Turkish (Windows) windows-1254
Ukrainian (KOI8-RU) koi8-ru
Vietnamese (Windows) windows-1258

Those who use non-English (non-Latin) fonts should know how to handle non-Latin fonts in HTML. For example, you add in the <head></head> tag,

<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">

if Latin fonts are used. However, in the case of Latin fonts, most people tend to use default character set and may not explicitly state this. The wizard automatically outputs this tag for you!

Optionally you can specify a frame in which a link is opened. To do this, check the "URL target frame box" and select the target from "mode" menu.

You can also add your original frame name at "Target frame" after choosing "other target" at "mode". Urls can be email addresses or file names as usual.

One thing you have to make sure is that you always add at least one "back" item to each node. Without this users can't go to upper trees. After add an item, check "back" box and you have got one back item enabled, which is shown with a left arrow sign.

Whenever you make changes to the menu tree, you need to click "Apply change" button, unless you have checked "Auto apply" box.

Next, decide the applet size. "Menu Fx" decides if each menu text has diffusion effect. With "random" for this value, menu texts are blurred when a mouse pointer is over them.

If you would like the menu to appear in a small new window, check "Float mode" box.

Then set menu start position and status bar position, both of which designate length from the top of the applet.

Now decides the font, font size, text alignment and normal text colour and selected text colour.

By default, you select one font from Courier, Helvetica, Dialog, Times Roman.

These are standard fonts and even if you want to type in non-Latin letters, such as Japanese, Greek and Hebrew, these four fonts can be used.

This is achieved by automatically, so you don't really have to set non standard fonts in any circumstances, however, by unchecking "standard" box, you are allowed to select one from all the available system fonts.


Using non-standard font causes unexpected results in other people's systems. When you do thits, you must be aware of what you are doing.

There are four choices of background effects, which can be simple colour, image, galaxy, or blob animation. If your choice is colour, specify it at "Back. colour" palette.
If your choice is "image", specify the background image. The detail configurations for blob and galaxy will be discussed next.
Blob background
Decide the number of blobs and control the generators. There are three generators 1, 2, 3 and although you can manually change these values, the default values are recommended.
Next, set the minimum speed of blobs rotation. It can take a value between 1 and 15. We provide you 6 different colour palettes from which you can choose your desired one.

Another parameter called "Starshape" makes blob spheres star-like shapes. You can even choose negative colouring.

"Sine mode" changes the default movement of blobs to sinus one.

Galaxy background
Two galaxy types, rings or vortex are available. Once you decide the galaxy type, select the background effect from none, blur and fire. As for colouring, galaxy seeds and fire can be coloured in your choices.
"Smooth filter" allow you to enable smoothing effect, while "Back colour" parameter visualise or invisualise the background.
Floating menu mode
If you have selected floating menu mode, a new configurator appears when you click "Next" button. (See below.) When you activate this mode, the applet size itself can be as small as 1 pixel, but MUST NOT be zero so as to embed the applet to your HTML document.
Set the floating window size (Width, Height) and give the initial position when a window first appears. You can set the name of the window. If you would like to see the menu window always appear on top of other windows, check "Always on top box", otherwise leave it unchecked.

We have only discussed about the morph menu specific parameters. For generic parameters, please read wizard section.

Proceed to the expert menu.