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Applet Tutorials: Life 2D
Life 2D Applet

This applets is an implementation of the Jhon Conway's Game of Life, a cellular automaton, which simulates birth, death, etc. of cells strictly following the set of rules.

The rules:

(1) The game is played on an infinite quadratic grid.
(2) Each grid cell is either alive or dead.
(3) The new state of each cells is determined by its old state and the sum of the alive cells among its surrounding 8 cells.
(4) If a cell has 0, 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, or 8 alive neighbour cells, it will die.
(5) If a cell has 2 or 3 alive neighbours, it will survive to the next generation.
(6) If a dead cell has exactly 3 alive neighbours, the dead cell turns to be alive.

The game shows various interesting equilibrium states depending on the initial patterns of cells.

[For more technical information about the available parameters, click here.]

First of all, most parameters are self-explanatory and you can always see brief description of each parameter by moving the mouse pointer over the wizard.

Here, you set the applet "Width" and "Height", and then select "Resolution" of the applet from the pull-down menu.

"Resolution" parameter decides how larger the internal image is expanded when it is displayed. For example, the value 3 gives three times as big image size as the actual image has. So, it works as a zooming parameter.
There is only one parameter which actually changes life particles effect; that is, "Life density" parameter. This determines the initial number of life particles from density 1 to density 9.

Then you decide if textscroll function is enabled by checking "Enable textscroll" box.

Finally, select the gradient colour painted over the whole life particles at "First colour" and "Last colour".

We have only discussed about the life2d specific parameters. For generic parameters, please read wizard section.

Proceed to the textscroll menu if you have checked the textscroll box; otherwise go to the expert menu.