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Applet Tutorials: Lake surface
Lake applet

This applet generates a reflection of any selected image over a waving liquid surface.

[For more technical information about the available parameters, click here.]

Most parameters are self-explanatory and you can always see brief description of each parameter by moving the mouse pointer over the wizard.

First, choose an image to be waved. The applet "Width" and "Height" are automatically entered when you specify the screen image and a "Resolution" value.

"Resolution" is a zooming parameter. For instance, the value 2 gives twice as large an applet size as the internally calculated image size, while the value 1 changes nothing.

Then you decide if textscroll function is enabled by checking "Enable textscroll" box.

Next, you will configure actual wavings. There are basically two factors that control the wave animation:(1)Wind, and (2) wave in itself.

There are four wind parameters. You set "Intensity" of wind at any value between 0 and 20. The value 0 gives no wind, while higher values generate strong changeable wind.

Next three parameters below "Intensity" decide how changeable the wind is. With "Var. speed", you can set how fluently the wind changes its direction and speed. A higher value gives a faster change. The wind's behaviour itself is dynamically calculated and it does not show static behaviour. You can limit the maximum and minimum wind speed at "Var. max" and "Var. min".

Now you will move on to the three parameters which directly control the waving, while wind only affects waving indirectly.

"Wave speed" literally controls the speed of the wave. Lower values produce very slow and calm wavings; whereas higher values result in very busy motion.

Note: We recommend relatively low values for this parameter.

"Perspective" decides how the waves have to be stretched for perspective simulation. In other words, with this parameter, you can control visual distance between waves. Lower values mean narrow space in between waves and it looks very busy.

"Farwaving" parameter (values from 1 to 10000) allows you to determine how strong the far waves (top of lake) must be.

Finally, there is totally different kind of effect controlled by "Half reflect" parameter. This lake applet produce the same size of a reflective image of the loaded image. In that process, the applet size tends to be very tall in "Height". This "Half reflect" option allows you to shrink the reflection into the half size. So, it will look better.

We have only discussed about the lake specific parameters. For generic parameters, please read wizard section.

Proceed to the textscroll menu if you have checked the textscroll box; otherwise go to the expert menu.