"Branch" parameter
defines how many new branches are added to an
existing branch per iteration. So, the larger
values for "Dimension" and "Branches"
mean more complex tree generated.
The motion of the tree is defined
by three parameters:
(1) Morph speed, (2) Rotation speed,
and (3) Rotation speed 2:
(1) Morph speed decides
how fast the whole tree changes its shape.
(2) Rotation speed decides
how fast each branch of the tree rotates.
(3) Rotation speed 2 decides
the rotation speed of the whole tree.
Next, look at below-left picture
and find "Length" parameter.
This is the length of an initial tree trunk. After
every iteration, shorter branches are added first
to the initial trunk and after that each branch.
"Decline" parameter (normally,
0 < "Decline" < 1) controls
the magnification of branch length per iteration.
For example. 0.75 for the value gives 25% decrease
of the length for each iteration.
Note: A value for "Decline"
can be more than 1. However, it is unnatural to
see such a tree! For instance, 1.25 gives 25%
increase of the length for each iteration.