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Applet Tutorials: Galaxy
Galaxy applet

This applet visualises stunning images of galaxy including the Big Bang, supernova and spiral and rotating systems with selected colour palettes.

[For more technical information about the available parameters, click here.]

Most parameters are self-explanatory and you can always see brief description of each parameter by moving the mouse pointer over the wizard.

First of all, define the applet size at "Width" and "Height". Then you decide if textscroll function is enabled by checking "Enable textscroll" box.

Now, you define the actual galaxy effect. With "Particles", you set particle density of the galaxy between value 0 and 7.

Higher values mean higher density.

Unless you choose "Random" selection of galaxy scripts, you need to select specific one from the following 12 galaxy scripts:

0 - Circular Galaxy
1 - Sphere -> Ring
2 - Tubular Galaxy
3 - Spiral Galaxy
4 - Rotating System
5 - Into Sphere
6 - Supernova
7 - Sphere -> Tubular
8 - Wave -> Atom
9 - Cone -> Wave
10 - All effects one colour
11 - All effects all colours

Once your choice is done, you then decide which colour palette should be applied to the galaxy.

0 = white
1 = blue
2 = red->black
3 = red->violet
4 = green
5 = red->white
Next you define light. By setting the value for light persistence higher than 0 and lower than 128, you can control how long it takes for light dots to reach dark area in the scene.

The parameter "Dinamic", which may not be appropriately so named though, stands for the variation speed of light dots, which vary between Din. min and Din. max values.

In other words, "Dinamic" is a "speed" of transition between the min and max persistence set with "Din.min" and "Din.max" parameters.

We have only discussed about the galaxy specific parameters. For generic parameters, please read wizard section.

Proceed to the textscroll menu if you have checked the textscroll box; otherwise go to the expert menu.