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Applet Tutorials: Blur
Blur applet

This applet displays a series of gif/jpeg images with blur and sound effects. We put a very strict rule for image names to be loaded by this applet. You can't use various file names, instead you must name all image files with a single frame name + a numerical suffix. For example, if you want to load 5 gif images. They should be like:

example1.gif, example2.gif, example3.gif, example4.gif, example5.gif.

In this case, the frame name is "example" and the suffixes are numbers from 1 to 5. So, the total frame number for this example is 5.

[More technical information about the available parameters can be found here.]

Most parameters are self-explanatory and you can always see brief description of each parameter by moving the mouse pointer over the wizard.

First, set the frame name at "Frames" and the frame number at "Num. frames". Actually, you don't have to do this manually. You can browse folders and mouse-select multiple image files while pressing SHIFT key. The wizard will automatically set the frame name and count the frame number.

The applet size is also decides when you have chosen image files. You can however double the size by checking "Double size" box. (This is equivalent to Resolution 2 in other applets parameters.)

Then, set your desired play speed for the animation in milliseconds.

Now you decide the replay mode. There are two such as Ping pong replay and Cyclic replay. Both clearly tells you how the sequence is played. Ping pong mode plays the sequence back and forth, while cyclic mode plays it cyclically.

If your choice is the ping pong play, you can set pause time for both ping (forwarding sequence) and pong (backward sequence). You can even play .au file during the ping & pong.

Note: you should only use .au file, which is the originally supported sound format.

We have only discussed about the blur menu specific parameters. For generic parameters, please read wizard section.

Proceed to the textscroll menu if you have checked the textscroll box; otherwise go to the expert menu.