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Applet Tutorials: Blobs
Blobs Applet

This applet displays so-called "blobs" effect, light balls moving around the applet area and may invoke mysterious impression to viewers.

[More technical information about the available parameters can be found here.]

Most parameters are self-explanatory and you can always see brief description of each parameter by moving the mouse pointer over the wizard.

First determine the applet size and decide if you need text scrolling over the applet area by checking "Enable textscroll" box.
Second, decide the number of blobs to be displayed. We provide three blob generators which control mysterious shapes of light balls.

The generators are named "Intensity" parameters here, since they directly affect light intensity. You can freely change values for them, but I recommend you to leave them as default setting, which produces a good blob effect.

You can change the resolution of the effect at "Resolution" parameter. The rotation speed of blobs is varied, but you can set the minimum speed. With "Sine mode" checked, the movement of blobs is calculated using a sine curve function.

We have provided 6 colour palettes. You can select one of them, while you may want to check "negative colour" enabled.

As default, blobs are spherically shaped, but if you select "Starshape" mode, they become star shape.

We have only discussed about the blobs specific parameters. For generic parameters, please read wizard section.

Now go to expert menu and proceed your applet configuration.