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Applet Tutorials: Anfy Snow
Anfy Snow applet

This applet visualises realistic snow flakes as a layer over a selected image, preferably the one with snow already present on the ground. This looks more natural.

[More technical information about the available parameters can be found here.]

Most parameters are self-explanatory and you can always see brief description of each parameter by moving the mouse pointer over the wizard.

First select a background image over which you want to cast snow flakes animation. The size of the image decides the applet size automatically. Alternatively, you may want to choose a solid colour for the background. You can activate textscroller either under or over the snow layers by checking "Enable textscroll" and "Snow over text" boxes.
The snow layers comprises "Far", "Middle", "Near" and "Foreground" layers. So, there are 4 different layers of snow flakes animated independently.

You can set a number of snow flakes for each layer. If you enter "0" for any of the layers, that layer will be disabled. This is not very recommended, because more snow layers result in more natural effect.

Now, set the snow fall speed at "Dropping speed" parameter. The value for this can be any number between 1 and 50 (snow disabled if 0).

Additionally, you may want to change maximum wind speed and fluency of changing directions of the wind.

The wind speed varies to produce realistic snow fall, so you can only set the maximum speed, whose value can be between 0 and 3.

You can also define how fast the wind direction changes at "Variation" parameter. The value for this takes any integer between 0 and 10.

To disable any of these features, just place "0" at respective parameter boxes.

We have only discussed about the anfysnow specific parameters. For generic parameters, please read wizard section.

Proceed to the textscroll menu if you have checked the textscroll box; otherwise go to the expert menu.