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Applet Tutorials: Anfy Paint
Anfy Paint applet

This applet is a complete paint program, with freehand and geometric drawing tools. It is possible to save painted images to the web space where you place the applet, via the mailserver (smtp, port 25). The images will be sent to a specified e-mail address, as attached JPG files. This will allow everyone to receive paintings from their visitors, to build graphical bookmarks, or interactive virtual galleries. If a background image is specified, the applet becomes a colouring book.

[More technical information about the available parameters can be found here.]

Most parameters are self-explanatory and you can always see brief description of each parameter by moving the mouse pointer over the wizard.

First, set the applet size (Width, Height) and a background image, or alternatively a background colour. Then, decide the initial pen colour; pen colour itself can be changed by users later.
This applet has a function of saving painted works as jpeg images sent to a selected email address. If you want to enable this function, just check the "Save button", and enter the send-to address below.
You can decide the jpeg compression rate in percentage at Jpeg quality box.
Optionally, you may want to change the message which is displayed when you first execute the applet.

In default, "Click here to start painting" will be shown.

Since, this applet has no Expert Menu, you may want to place a message for non Java™ capable browsers.

We have only discussed about the anfypaint specific parameters. For generic parameters, please read wizard section.