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Applet Tutorials: Anfy Cam
Anfy Cam applet

This applet loads an image from a given URL location every a specified number of seconds. In other words, it can display the frames generated by a webcam. Well, what is a webcam? For those who are not familiar with this technology, I will give you a brief description.

Webcam is a set of software and a camera, which broadcast any sequences to the web in realtime. Some of the most popular webcam software may be "Webcam" and "EasySnap". These software with cameras automatically take pictures in jpeg format and ftp them to your desired site. Since, the software snaps pictures continuously, your cameras can be virtually "live".

Usually, the timing of reloading the image file, which your webcam software ftps to your site, is determined by the <meta> tag.

For instance,

<meta http-equiv="refresh content=10">

orders your browser to reload the page every 10 seconds. This is simple, but effective.

So, what AnfyCam does? AnfyCam works as an enhanced <meta> tag in above use. It can not only load images in selected timing, but apply cross-fade effect, handles zooming and even allows you to set an overlay transparent gif image over the Cam image.

Note: The anfycam applet must be loaded from the same machine where the target image is loaded; otherwise it will not work due to Java™ security restrictions.

Note2: You must set up a camera and a webcam software before using this applet.

[More technical information about the available parameters can be found here.]

Most parameters are self-explanatory and you can always see brief description of each parameter by moving the mouse pointer over the wizard.

First, define the applet "Width" and "Height" and next give a "Resolution" value. "Resolution" is a zooming parameter.

For instance, the value 2 gives twice as large an applet size as the internal image size, while the value 1 changes nothing.

Then, set the Webcam image path and decide the interval between reloads of the file. This is given in milliseconds.

Don't forget to set up your camera and make sure it saves a picture as the exact image file you have specified for this applet parameter.

Finally, you can activate progressive fading option between image frames.

We have only discussed about the anfycam specific parameters. For generic parameters, please read wizard section.

Proceed to the expert menu, next.