Anfy Fluid - Copyright (C) by Fabio Ciucci 1997-99 This applet simulates a surface with fluid wavings. This applet is fully parameterized, so you can generate various kinds of fluid effects. **************************************************************************** Apart from an optional overlay image, the following 3 ".class" files must be uploaded: flud.class anfy.class Lware.class Plus, fluid.jar for speedy loading on recent browsers. *************************************************************************** EXAMPLE. Insert the tag in your html document as follows to add this applet to your page (Comments after the ";" symbol are code descriptions and acceptable min/max values. They are not part of the applet language): ; Registration code (if you have it) ; Optional URL link when applet is "clicked". ; Reglink opened in new frame? ; Name of new frame for reglink ; Statusbar message ; resolution (1 .. 8) ; Auto design ("YES" or "NO") ; Density of fluid (2 .. 6) ; Number of fishes (0 .. 2) ; Size of circular rain (0 = OFF) ; Circular rain factor ; Size of square rain (0 = OFF) ; Square rain factor ; Volcano's magma mode (YES, NO) ; Optional image over applet ; Over image X offset ; Over image Y offset ; Memory deallocation delay ; Task priority (1..10) ; Min. milliseconds/frame for sync Sorry, your browser doesn't support Java. ; Message for no java browsers. ; End of applet tag *************************************************************************** INSTRUCTIONS. The following instructions describe how to change parameters: Attempting to change the credit parameter will disable the applet. To activate the reg parameters read the shareware registration notes. In the "regcode" parameter, place the registration code you purchased from the author. If the code is correct and the applet is run from the registered domain name, you can use "link" parameters to link to a URL when the applet is mouse-clicked. If you set "regnewframe" to "YES", you can specify a specific frame location for the reglink: "_blank" : To load the link in a new blank unnamed browser window. "_self" : To load the link into the same window the applet occupies. "_parent" : To load the link into the immediate FRAMESET parent. "_top" : To load the link into the top body of the window. You can also set a custom frame name, such as "myframe1". With the "overimg" parameter you can specify the name of an image that will be painted over the applet. The best options are transparent GIF images. NOTE: Animated GIF images are supported, but will be animated only on latest browsers (Netscape 4 and Explorer 4 or newer). With "overimgX" and "overimgY" you can center the image over the applet area. For optimum results, the height should be 200. You can change the width. ("res" is a sort of zoomer). If you set the "autodesign" parameter to "YES", an automatic slideshow of the effects will be executed, and the next parameters are ignored. If you set to "NO", you have to configure effects manually. The "density" parameter (2 .. 6) controls the density of fluid. Lower values mean more fluid liquid, so waves end quickly. Higher values cause a slower decadence of the waves. You can insert up to 2 fishes, with "fishnum" parameter. Other effects are: rain and srain. Set the parameter "rainsize" to more than 0 and activate the spheric rain. The "rainfactor" parameter works as "timer" between one drop and another. By setting "rainfactor" to 0, a new drop will appear in every frame. Higher values mean more distance between one drop and another. The "srainsize" determines a square rain. Well, a rain drop itself is not square, but its wave expands rather spherically; whereas spheric rain drops generates normal radial waves. If the parameter is set to zero, no rain generates. Values equal to or higher than 1 will generate rain. To control it, use "srainfactor" the same way as "rainfactor". The "volcano" parameter, if set to "YES", transforms the water into lavic magma, for inferno effect. You can enable more than one effect at the same time.