Anfy Fireworks - Copyright (C) by Fabio Ciucci 1999 INTRODUCTION. This applet adds a fireworks animation to a selected image as either a foreground or background layer. The image may be very dark or solid black in colour. ************************************************************************** NECESSARY FILES. Apart from an optional sound file, and/or background and/or foreground images, the following 3 files must be uploaded: firewks.class firewk.class Lware.class Plus, you may want ot upload firewks.jar for speedy loading on recent browsers. ************************************************************************** EXAMPLE. Insert the tag in your html document as follows to add this applet to your page (Comments after the ";" symbol are code explanations and acceptable min/max values. They are not part of the applet language): ; Registration code (if you have it) ; Optional URL link when the applet is "clicked" ; Reglink opened in new frame? ; Name of new frame for reglink ; Statusbar message ; Optional sound file or "NO" ; Number of fireworks at same time ; Fireworks explosion power ; Fireworks drawn density ; Fireworks time duration ; Gravity; speed of free fall ; Background image ; Background colour in hex rrggbb format ; Fireworks over text? ("YES", "NO") ; Optional image over applet ; Over image X offset ; Over image Y offset ; Memory deallocation delay ; Task priority (1..10) ; Min. milliseconds/frame for sync Sorry, your browser doesn't support Java. ; Message for no java browsers. ; End of applet tag **************************************************************** PARAMETER DESCRIPTIONS The following instructions describe the meaning of the available parameters for this applet: [Specify the applet and its size] The size of the applet has to be identical to that of the background or foreground image, if present. [Credit parameter] Attempting to change the credit parameter will disable the applet. [Registration parameters] ; Registration code To activate the reg parameters, read the shareware registration notes. In the "regcode" parameter, place the registration code you purchased from us. If the code is correct and the applet is run from the registered domain name, "link" parameters will be enabled and the applet will be linked to an associated URL when it mouse-clicked. ; Optional URL link ; Reglink opened in new frame? If you set "regnewframe" to "YES", you can specify a specific frame location for the reglink: "_blank" : To load the link in a new blank unnamed browser window. "_self" : To load the link into the same window the applet occupies. "_parent" : To load the link into the immediate parent frame. "_top" : To load the link into the top body of the window. ; Name of new frame for reglink You can also set a custom frame name, such as "mainpage". ; Statusbar message Here, you set the statusbar message, which is displayed at the bottom of a browser window, when you mouse-over the applet. [Sound] ; Optional sound file or "NO" This applet allows you to set a sound file. The default is a sound effect for fireworks. You can set your own .au file in place of the default one; otherwise place "no" for the parameter. [Fireworks setting] ; Number of fireworks at same time With the "maxfireworks" parameter, you determine the maximum number of fireworks present on screen at one time. ; Fireworks explosions power With "fireworkspower" you determine the speed of propagation of explosion. ; Fireworks density With "fireworksdensity" you determine the number of dots in each explosion. Higher values require higher CPU power and slow down the effect. ; Fireworks time duration The duration of fireworks is determined by the "fireworksduration" parameter. ; Gravity This "gravity" parameter controls how fast fireworks fall down. Well, I know in real world, gravity is a constant. ; Background image Here, you can set a background image. ; Background colour in hex rrggbb format Or, paint the background in a solid colour defined by a hexadecimal number in a popular RRGGBB format. This parameter is valid only when the background image is absent, otherwise ignored. ; Fireworks over text? ("YES", "NO") The "overtext" determines if fireworks can overwrite scrolltext. [Overlay image] ; Optional image over applet ; Over image X offset ; Over image Y offset With the "overimg" parameter you can specify the name of an image that will be shown over the applet. The best options are transparent GIF images. NOTE: Animated GIF images are supported, but will be displayed as animated only on latest browsers (Netscape 4 and Explorer 4 or newer). With "overimgX" and "overimgY" you can position the image over the applet area.