ANFYCHAT Chat CLient setup instructions =============================================================== For admin capabilites / chat hosting purchase, and for tech support email: Note: Load up the test.html page for a sample chat page. You need to be connected to the Internet for the chat to run. 1.0 EMBEDDING ANFYCHAT APPLET FROM YOUR WEB PAGE The minimum code to include for an ANFYCHAT web page is: 2.0 EXPLANATION FOR THE CHAT APPLET PARAMETERS Parameter Values Description ============================================================================================ autologin y/n Should the chat automatically log in when the applet shows up? username String Default User name for auto login grouplist File Name Name of the group permission file language String The language for the user interface (english, french, italian, spanish, swedish, german) news File Name Name of the news definition file group String Default starting group room String Default starting room within the group autolift y/n If set to yes, the applet lifts itself when loaded permission y/n Does the user have room creation permission within the group? topic String Topic for the room port Number The chat server port for connection (default: 7218) fonttype String Font type (Dialog, Courier…) fontsize Number The size of the font fontstyle Number The style of the font (0: normal, 1: Italic …) textcolor XXXXXX(Hex) Text color of the chat output window backcolor XXXXXX(Hex) The background color for the chat output window whispercolor XXXXXX(Hex) The text color if in whisper mode listtextcolor XXXXXX(Hex) The user/room list color listbackcolor XXXXXX(Hex) The background color for the user/room list backgroundcolor XXXXXX(Hex) The background color for the applet bottomcolor XXXXXX(Hex) The background color for the bottom input box bottomtextcolor XXXXXX(Hex) The text color for the bottom input box insets Number Define how many pixels should be left for the border of the UI rightpanel y/n Should the panel for the Rooms list and Groups list bottompanel y/n same for the bottom input box welcomemsg y/n Should we display the welcome message? newsfont String The font for the news scroller newsbackcolor XXXXXX(Hex) The background color for the news scroller newsovercolor XXXXXX(Hex) The color of the text when the mouse goes over the news scroller newstextcolor XXXXXX(Hex) The text color of the news scroller backimg File Name The background image file (not fully implemented yet) wordfilter String Words that should be filtered, separated by ";" onfail URL The URL of the page to load up if no connection can be made poweredby String Modify the Powered by message 2.1 Auto-login feature The chat client can be configured so the user logs into the chat server automatically when the chat page is loaded. This is done through the use of the "autologin" and "username" parameters. This feature is particularly useful when the chat web page is generated on the fly by a CGI program that would have determined the chat user's profile, login permission etc using your custom login system. 2.2 Disable user input When you need to offer only read access to your users, set the bottompanel parameter to "n". 3.0 DEFINITION OF VISIBLE CHAT GROUPS FOR AN APPLET (Available to paid chat hosting users only) Use the "grouplist" parameter to define the file that contains the chat groups you authorize your chat users to access from an applet. By default, the "GroupPermTest.txt" file is used. The format of the file is: groupName1`y`groupName2`y.. groupNameX`y Replace y by n if you don't want users to be able to create temporary rooms (using "/join room") within the particular chat group. Be careful to use the ` sign and not the ' sign. Always end the definition line by `y or `n, but not by ` only . The principal use of grouplist is to setup private chat rooms. It can also be usedto setup a moderated chat session for example. 4.0 DEFINITION OF SCROLLING CLICKABLE NEWS (Available to paid chat hosting users only) Use the "news" parameter to define the file that contains your scrolling clickable news. By default, the " news.txt" file is used. The syntax to define news items is: start file: [headline] The news headline [url] [target] target_window_name [days] 12345 [times] 20:00-05:00 [headline] Hey pretty early this morning! Read some news maybe? [target] main [url] [times] 05:00-09:00 ... [headline] You should go back to sleep [url] [target] target_window_name [days] 06 [times] 05:00-10:00 :end of file Only the [headline] option is mandatory. All the other options can be omitted. The [days] parameter defines the weekdays during which the message should be displayed: 0 stands for Sunday, 1 for Monday etc. You need to separate each news message definition bloc with an empty line. 5.0 COMMANDS 5.1 AVAILABLE USER COMMANDS Commands from the user interface: · Whisper mode: click on an user name to whisper to this user. · Public talking mode: click on All Users to talk to everyone. · Go to another chat room: click on a room name to join the room. · Go to another chat group: select a group in the groups list. · Ignore an user: select his name, then click on ignore. The following are text based commands: · /join room -> create or join a chat room · /away message -> away msg shown if you get a page or whisper msg · /nick newname -> change your nick name to newname · /p buddy msg -> send a cross room page message to a buddy · /me msg -> action message showing the user nick first · /admin passwd -> request the administrative rights 5.2 AVAILABLE ADMIN COMMANDS (Available to paid chat hosting users only) Using the /admin command, the chat administrator gains administrative rights over the chat server. The following commands are only available to the chat users with administrative rights: · /kick username -> kick out the user with the nick username · /kickall reason -> kick all users out and display the reason · /whois username -> get detailed info on an user · /ping username -> ping the user to determine the connection status · /b message -> broadcast the message to all chat users of the group · /setpass passwd -> set the passwd as the join password of the chat group